New eSignature Service for Fidelity Money Transfers


Fidelity now offers eSignature service for money movement transactions through DocuSign. The eSignature verification can be completed through any of these methods:

  1. Identity Questions - answer a series of questions related to your personal data collected through DocuSign

  2. Phone - an automated voice will call the phone number that is linked to the account and provide a numerical code that is to be provided in a separate email sent by Fidelity DocuSign.

  3. Text - a numerical code will be sent to the mobile number that is linked to the account that is to be provided in a separate email sent by Fidelity DocuSign.

The following transactions are available for eSignatures:

  • 1st or 3rd party Check Distributions, under $100,000

  • 1st or 3rd party Journals from one Fidelity account to another, under $100,000

  • 1st or 3rd party EFT’s from a Fidelity account to a non-Fidelity account, under $100,000

  • 1st or 3rd party Wires, under $100,000

*The $100,000 threshold anticipated to increase by the end of 2019

This service is in an effort to decrease the amount of time spent by clients by eliminating printing and scanning of paper documents and to keep up to speed with the increasingly digital world. The eSignature service is optional and can be selected for each individual qualifying transaction. If you have any questions please contact Jaycee Smalley at or 713-388-6322.

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